I know I am getting tired of hearing all the prep work and am ready to get down to business and really blog about something! So, today I give you something.

The final weeks of life as I know it are approaching. After the furniture I am keeping was moved to storage last weekend, I had a brief moment (2 or 3 minutes max) in which I had a mini release of emotion through tears. As I sat in  the middle of the mostly empty room and cried for those few minutes I let go of my life I have become accustomed to and the door opened fully to my new way of living and in that exact moment my tears became giggles and my life was renewed. Since that moment last weekend I have felt like a child again. Everything around me seems new. I am open to experiencing the things that have become the everyday routine as if seeing and doing them for the first time and the wonder of it all is delightful. The power of wonderment and discovery are mine for the taking. 

So too, this process happened at work this week as I am training my replacement. I thought perhaps I might have problems letting go of my work, but with this renewed energy I have been finding it quite easy to hand it all over.

And so with the letting go of my possessions and my position at work, I find myself returning to P'u, the uncarved block. No longer defined by the things I own and my career, I have returned to P'u with all the potential to be anything and everything. With this process I have found the fountain of youth and it cannot be bottled nor sold in any fashion; in fact, it can only be achieved through letting go of the things that define your existence.  Therefore, the secret to the fountain of youth my friends is not in what you have but in what you don't have.

6/9/2012 08:50:28 pm

So eh, you're comparing yourself to a block of wood? ;)

6/9/2012 11:57:15 pm

It is a good comparison to explain p'u.. But yeah I can be a blockhead sometimes too :P

6/19/2012 10:10:44 am

Very well said. Stripping away non essentials is never easy, but each one enables you to see a bit more clearly the masterpiece that you are. :)

6/21/2012 04:47:23 pm

The more you know the less you need

7/9/2012 02:25:39 am

In reference to your tears and giggles, thought you might find this interesting :).



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