Still in the Netherlands, the land of bikes and giants (ok just a lot of tall people), my adventures this week took me to De Hoge Veluwe. I took the bus to this Dutch National Park and asked the driver which stop I needed to get off at and he said Otterloo. As we got closer to Otterloo I was surprised when I saw 4 stops listed. One of the stops displayed Kantor De Hoge Veluwe and so I figured that was the center. What it turned out to be was the main office - oops. I strolled through the parking lot making my way to the building and ran into a gentleman doing the same from his car. I asked him if this was the main center and he explained it was the office but perhaps they could help me. It turned out that he was actually from the US and had moved to the Netherlands 20 years ago and he teaches English. So, he escorts me to the main lobby and I meet another very nice man who immediately takes control of my situation. He tells me that they will let me into the park free of charge since they cannot take money at this location. He also goes to the back and brings me a bunch of literature about the park, all in English. He shows me where to go on the map and where to get one of the white bikes (fiets) to enjoy the park. I thank him for all of his help and learn from the English instructor that the guy was the President/Director and we all have a laugh about me being an actress testing their English language skills.

I found the bikes and pick one out. There are 30km or so of paved bike trails throughout the park. It was a great way to enjoy a large portion of the park as there is just no way you could walk all around in a day. You can drive or ride horseback around/through the park as well, but the free bikes are the best!

There are two awesome museums in the park. One is the Kroller-Muller art museum, with a huge collection of Vincent van Gogh artwork and a large sculpture garden, and the other is the Museonder underground museum. The hunting lodge was closed for renovations when I was there and wished I could have had a chance to see it.

The landscape throughout the park is varied. You can see sand drift, heathland, peat bogs and dense woods. Boar, deer, squirrel, badger, fox, sheep and more are in the area. I did see a deer and quite a few birds.

This week I also went to the NEMO museum in Amsterdam. Luck was still with me as it was Science & Industry Weekend and there was no admission. This science museum is a hands on experience and loads of fun with loads of information. I also made my way to the Anne Frank house, but there were too many people, so opted not to explore. Other things I would highly recommend, which I have seen on a previous trip, are the Rijksmuseum and the van Gogh museum.
For the next 4 - 6 weeks I will be walking El Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela and making my way back to the Netherlands. I will not be taking my keyboard along with me and therefore I will not be posting large blog updates during that time. I do however have some of my favorite stories you can read in that period of time. Please browse through the following list and pick one or two that you would like to do or introduce your significant other/kids to. If you have read/seen/done these things already, pick one (or more) to do again.

Book Series:
- Apprentice Adept (7) - Piers Anthony
- Incarnations of Immortality (8) - Piers Anthony
- Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (3/4) - J. R. R. Tolken (if you read The Hobbit, read it first)
- Harry Potter (7) - J. K. Rawlings
- Chronicles of Narnia (7) - C. S. Lewis (great one to read to kids)
- Jurrasic Park (2) - Michael Crichton
- Ghattis Tales (3) - Gayle Greene
- Egyptian (River God, etc.) (4) - Wilbur Smith
- Hitchhikers Guide (3) - Douglas Adams
- Hannibal Lecter (3) - Thomas Harris
- Tears of Artamon (3) - Sarah Ash
- Kingkiller Chronicles (2 so far) - Patrick Rothfuss

If you read any of this series for the first time:
1. What did you like about the series?
2. What did you wish was different about the series?
3. What would have made the series better?
4. How did you feel after reading the books?
5. Had you heard of the books/author before?
6. Did the series get better as it went along?
7. Would you recommend the series to another?
8. What series would you recommend?

If you read a series for the second time:
1. Was it how you remembered it?
2. Were there things you noticed this time that you didn't the last?
3. How have you changed since the last reading? Did this affect your perspective?
4. Were you bored reading it a second (or more) time?
5. Was the experience better, worse, or about the same?
6. What series would you recommend?

Books vs. movies:
- Where the Red Fern Grows
- Into Thin Air
- Wizard of Oz
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Harry Potter
- The Narnia Series (so far)
- Jurrasic Park Series
- Hitchhikers Guide
- Hannibal Lecter

Immediately after reading the book, watch the corresponding movie.
1. Did you wish there was something in the movie that was in the book?
2. Did you notice details that were different that you didn't notice previously?
3. Did the movie change or add something? Was it for the better?
4. Did you experience the same feeling from the movie as you did the book?
5. Was there something that was done better in the movie than in the book?
6. Did the movie to justice to the book?
7. Have you ever experienced a movie that was better than its book?
8. What book/movie comparison would you recommend?

TV Series (for extra fun):
- Arrested Development
- Firefly (and the movie Serenity afterwards)
- Battlestar Galactica (old/new/vs)
- Futurama

I look forward to reading your "reviews" and to the list of new books to read! Bom Camino!
10/10/2012 04:52:17 am

Not sure how, but I forgot: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books and movies (right now you can watch the original versions in the entirety; but compare the first movie - original vs USA version).

10/11/2012 03:34:10 pm

Hitchhikers I first heard the original BBC radio tapes before reading the books then seeing the movies and I prefer them in that order. As far as the Girl with the dragon tatoo. I never read the book but I saw the Swedish film before the US and I think it was superior.

10/11/2012 06:07:06 pm

Aye I have missed a lot since the kids and I last wrote you!!! Started my new classes after a three week personal break, cross training in the cash office at work, the kids and their school plus I am keeping a friend of mines little girl four nights a week while she works made for a lot of catch up! Of course I couldn't sleep as usual so I figured this would be the perfect uninterrupted time to do some catching up. The post that you talked about your musician friend and his struggles and yours made me tear up. Love reading about your journey and can't wait to share the new blogs with the boys!!! They get so excited when I log onto this :) They miss you terribly! The older two understand what you are doing for the most part but Camdyn is still trying to understand it. He hasn't learned the concept of time yet lol. The boys got report card today. Camdyn is learning but not as fast as the other kids so we have to work extra hard at home on things so he does not fall to far behind. Making an eye appointment for him and also getting him tested for color blindness (he has trouble with red and green colors) and possibly dyslexia in the near future. Gavin did awesome on his 9 wks report!!! Gage went from an A B student to having a few C's which is still ok but he did have a D in math which was 2 points from an F. Very disappointed especially since he scored the highest in math out of all the other things on his MCT state test. Sooooo of course he is grounded. I couldn't help but think of you and I during my school years. So many memories that my children seem to bring upon me without ever realizing it or meaning to. It amazes me! I am soooo proud of you Mom and tell everyone I get the chance to about this awesome journey you have taken around the world and personal life! You amaze me every day :) I want to be just like you when I grow up! I miss you and I know this post is long and I do apologize. Think I have read or seen most of these things. However I see you added the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I have yet to read or see this so I think I better get on the ball!! I love you Mom and miss you!!

10/11/2012 06:08:35 pm

Since I forgot to click on the notify me button!!! Silly me! Hope you are having an awesome time on this leg of your journey can't wait to hear about it!

10/12/2012 04:18:31 am

@Marty: Have you seen all 3? I actually liked the US version as it was done a tad differently. Of course they both took some liberties with the book. I liked both the movies for different reasons. I was surprised that the US version didn't tone done the rape and revenge scenes. The books though bring more background to the characters.

10/12/2012 04:24:12 am

@Kristen: Thanks for the update! Give everyone my love. Enjoy the Girl with books. I recommend not watching the movies with the boys. :)

10/17/2012 12:48:12 pm

I need to read the books but I watched the movie the other day. I think it was the Swedish version though. Was a good movie and bet the book is better! For sure not a kid movie. I also started watching the other movie The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest I believe.
Gavin says hi and he sends his love!!!! He was pretty upset when he asked to call you and I told him you do not have a way to talk on the phone in another country. Think he is missing his Nana a bit!!!! We love you!!!! Hope your wrist is feeling better!!!!!

10/17/2012 10:03:00 pm

@ Kristen: wrist is feeling better. I do have a number you all can call and leave message when I am not online. We would have to coordinate a call. I thought I gave you the number but will message it to you on FB. Enjoy the books and other movies.

10/21/2012 01:12:28 am

Fun Fact: Bob recently found out they are making another Jurassic Park movie (um, really?? Cause the 2nd and 3rd weren't bad enough, having nothing to do with the books.) and that Prometheus was a prequel Alien movie and that they're going to have another Alien movie and an additional movie to link them all together with Blade Runner. Pretty neat, huh??

10/23/2012 03:32:43 am

@ Roxy: Hard to believe another Jurrasic Park. Prometheus was not really a prequel, or at least not imo. If you see it expecting a prequel, you will be dissappointed. Overall had a good concept, execution was a bit poor. Now the Alien book was scary and a good read.

10/25/2012 09:15:06 pm

I felt Prometheus was a prequel in that it explained something not known in the Alien films.

10/26/2012 09:09:06 pm

@Marty: I suppose, but it was so VERY weak and barely approached in the movie, imo.

11/2/2012 11:08:16 am

Well, it was a setup to the Alien prequel. So, it was a prequel to the prequel. I just don't know the technical term for that. I know, why would they make another Jurassic Park??? Also, I'm sure you've heard that Disney bought the Star Wars rights or whatever and so they're making another trilogy and George Lucas will have nothing to do with it. And now for something completely different, I think Raelyn will be crawling within a month or so!!! Now, if she'd just get those darn teeth in we'd all be happier :)

12/5/2012 05:42:15 am

As far as Battlestar Gallactica I liked the new over the old(tho I was really into the original as sci fi and special effects were rare in that era of tv). The new one had so much more depth. I really enjoyed it alot even bought it on dvd.

12/19/2012 01:42:41 am

@Marty: I would agree with your assessment.


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